MIGHTY MEDIC - Function Principle
MIGHTY MEDIC - How to Clean
FILLING SET - How to Use
DOSING CAPSULES - Fill with Herbs
MIGHTY MEDIC - Insert Dosing Capsule
Frequently Asked Questions
What materials have been used in the MIGHTY MEDIC?
We have applied the maximum possible care and diligence in all materials. All materials are food-safe, heat-resistant, and according to FDA regulations.
Can I use the MIGHTY MEDIC while charging?
Yes. If the MIGHTY MEDIC is operated while plugged in, the batteries will be bypassed. Therefore, the MIGHTY MEDIC can be used even with completely drained batteries if it is plugged in and switched on.
How do I take proper care of the batteries?
You should store the MIGHTY MEDIC at standard ambient temperature approx. 20°C, no frost, no direct sunlight, and keep it dry. If the device is not used for a longer time, you should store it at a battery capacity of between 20 % and 80 %.
When using the MIGHTY MEDIC it is best to drain the batteries until about 20 % capacity, which is one battery bar and then recharge them fully. From time to time, it makes sense to drain them all the way and then recharge them fully; this will adjust the battery capacity and keep the battery gauge correct. If the MIGHTY MEDIC is operated while plugged in, the batteries will be bypassed. Therefore, the MIGHTY MEDIC can be used even with completely drained batteries if it is plugged in and switched on.
How is the vapor created?
The MIGHTY MEDIC functions with a patented combination of full hot air convection heating and additional conduction so that the air is already heated when it flows into the heated-up Filling Chamber and ensures an immediate and continuous vaporizing. The additional benefit of the heated Filling Chamber is that the material to be vaporized is already heated up and vaporization takes place on the first draw.
How do I exchange the lower Screen?
Remove the lower Filling Chamber Screen out of the Filling Chamber by using a pair of tweezers or a pair of pointed pliers. Insert a new screen and take care that the edges of the screen lock in place into the groove provided.